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WILD TUSSAR SILK: The different types of Wild Tussar silk yarns available online

Hand Spun Wild Tussar Silk yarns & fibers.

Hello and welcome to my first blog at Tindale Designs. 

I’m missing chatting to you all at the pop up markets I usually do across Perth and unfortunately all the ones I had planned for this year 2020 got canceled due to Corona virus.

So I’ve decided to try to connect with you another way... via video   sometimes photos aren’t enough to explain the difference between them so I hope this little video helps.

Here are the different types of Wild Tussar silk yarns seen in the video, from Odisha India;

  1. Fine Wild Tussar silk yarn
  2. ‘Ghicha’ Wild Tussar silk yarn
  3. ‘Rough Ghicha’ Wild Tussar silk yarn
  4. ‘Katiya’ Wild Tussar silk yarn
  5. ‘Thick Dark’ Wild Tussar silk yarn
  6. ‘Thick Light’ Wild Tussar silk yarn
  7. ‘Raw Katiya’ Wild Tussar silk yarn
  8. ‘Balkal’ Wild Tussar silk yarn

All available online in hanks or balls.

If you have any questions please feel free to email or message me.

Happy creating everyone ✨

Shelly Tindale✨


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